Established in the year 2006 by Shri Dharam Paul Jain and Shri Rakesh Gupta, Prime Steel Processors Private Limited boasts a rich history spanning over six decades of delivering genuine value propositions. What began with a single rolling mill has evolved into one of the most rapidly expanding steel manufacturing brands, thanks to the unwavering dedication and extensive experience of its founders.
Under the proficient guidance of Mr. Lokesh Jain, Mr. Aman Singal, Mr. Dewaker Jain, and Mr. Atul Singal, we have solidified our position as a fully accredited, licensed, and insured corporate entity. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and a skilled workforce, we have been able to anticipate future trends, propelling our company towards growth and prosperity. By prioritizing innovation and ingenuity, we are continuously creating job opportunities and promoting sustainable practices.
At the core of our operations lies the production of cost-effective and high-performance steel. Our primary activities involve the manufacture of economical and top-tier steel &steel products through the implementation of both backward and forward integration.
Our diverse range of products now caters to various segments within the steel value chain. Additionally, to ensure the highest quality, we have recruited top-tier human resources and established a state-of-the-art testing facility equipped with cutting-edge technology and laboratories.
With an annual capacity exceeding 0.70 million metric tons, we consistently meet and exceed the performance benchmarks set for our business. Our business vision, governance systems, manufacturing, and sales processes, as well as customer and community engagement initiatives, adhere to the highest global standards. This commitment has positioned us as leaders in the industry, enabling us to provide our clients with unparalleled and tailored solutions.